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A bit odd, and very quick

I really enjoyed the design of the house, and there were some spooky things a foot, but what was with the bizarre sink, and falling through the ground before needing to ascend? I originally thought it was a bug but the controls purposefully point out Ascend as a movement option.

(1 edit)

Thank you for trying out! The sink event is up for interpretetation of what is going on story wise. We liked to think when we designed the game that the protagonist is like afraid of coming in contact with water therefore the psychological horror that the character is being draged down in deep water due to maybe recent events or such.  But yeah story was not our focus, so there was no writing or such.

But yes this was a kinda stressed out sequence of the game as we had to get it done for the deadline of our assignment, I would personally love to add more content to the "dark water abyss" so it would be easier for the player to navigate and understand that it's not a loadingscreen/bug, as it's very dark down there. :'D  

Oh and our research purpose was to explore horror without the need of an physical enemy or jumpscares. It was a really hard thing to work without because it's such an well established to have in horror games. We therefore wanted to base it on architectural atmosphere (lightning, sounds, objects etc), but we felt that we needed something more and we then added the sink, which have had mixed results. Some people thought it was cool, some didn't really understand what was going etc. :)